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unit vector artinya

contoh kalimat "unit vector"
  • The term normalized vector is sometimes used as a synonym for unit vector.
    Istilah vektor ternormalisasi kadang-kadang digunakan sebagai sinonim dari vektor satuan.
  • UP = Vector2( 0, -1 ) — Up unit vector.
    INF = Vector2( inf, inf ) --- Infinite vector.
  • FORWARD = Vector3( 0, 0, -1 ) — Forward unit vector.
    INF = Vector3( inf, inf, inf ) --- Infinite vector.
  • A vector of arbitrary length can be divided by its length to create a unit vector.
    Suatu vektor dengan panjang sembarang dapat dibagi oleh panjang untuk mendapatkan vektor satuan.
  • The vector area is a combination of the magnitude of the area through which the mass passes through, A, and a unit vector normal to the area, n ^ } } .
    Luas vektor adalah kombinasi besaran vektor dimana volume mengalir, A, dan vektor satuan normal terhadap luasan, n ^ } } .
  • The reference plane is assumed to be the xy-plane, and the origin of longitude is taken to be the positive x-axis. k is the unit vector (0, 0, 1), which is the normal vector to the xy reference plane.
    Bidang referensinya dianggap sebagai bidang-xy, dan asal bujur dianggap sebagai sumbu-x positif. k adalah vektor satuan (0, 0, 1), yaitu vektor normal terhadap bidang referensi xy.